Saturday, August 31, 2013

The alternative is not a genuine application on Windows Phone

Windows Phone app shortage , it's true . But the application does not need to be a "master key " , there are many alternative options applications from third parties can solve the needs of Windows Phone users .

Google Voice instead MetroTalk

Google Voice service clearly qualified to compete with Skype , Google Voice Viber ... Above all multi-platform support of Windows PC , Mac to iPhone , Android . Unfortunately, Google has no plans to develop apps for Windows Phone .
Instead of using Google Voice , an application that allows others to interact with your friends through Google Voice on Windows Phone, which is MetroTalk .

Instance instead Instagram

Surely you are aware of Instagram , photo sharing service ( recently added video short ) is Facebook acquisition and further development .
No Instagram app for Windows Phone . But a worthy applications ranked in the top ranks can replace Instagram on Windows Phone is Instance . Not long ago the Instagram for that Instance is illegal and blocking access to the server from Instagram Instance but they quickly realized that the door is actually expanding their market . Instance name is Itsdagram old .

Instead Mehdoh Twitter

Social networks and Twitter messages not shortened application development for Windows Phone . But an application called Mehdoh allow access to Twitter on Windows Phone .
Mehdoh strengths is that it has existed since the early days in the history of Windows Phone and this is still considered to be a good choice when you need to use Twitter on Windows Phone . Twitter recently launched its official app , but not so that Mehdoh wither .

Metrotube replace YouTube

Google does not post on YouTube app for Windows Phone and even block connections from YouTube app by Microsoft to write . While his two big reach agreement , there are many applications for viewing YouTube on Windows Phone, but good application should include Metrotube .

IM instead Hangouts

In the past IM not really stand out . But recently this application has a lot of improvements to stand out and say they have an instant change " usually " a cost-effective alternative application for Hangouts on Windows Phone .
If you have friends Hangouts on Android or iOS , and Windows Phone you are using , do not hesitate , please install IM .

FileBox instead Dropbox

Storage service , Dropbox shared online success thanks to the simple but effective , Dropbox is widely used in many companies . Unfortunately there is no genuine on Windows Phone . As an alternative , you can use FileBox .
Despite access to data on Dropbox , but for the genuine aviation should also have some limitations on FileBox . For example, do not automatically upload images or upload difficulty to a specific folder . But this is not the big problem , you can upload multiple photos at once by hand .

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