Friday, August 30, 2013

5G mobile networks will be in 2020

Currently only a few countries in the world with high-speed 4G network . Even in Vietnam , but only have a 3G network speeds are flickering . However , a number of which have embarked on the construction of 5G networks . Technology is easy to make people dizzy !
In a speech to the Forbes report , CEO of Huawei , said Ken Hu , has revealed that the company has begun research and development of 5th generation mobile networks in the past few years . If all goes well , the company will start commercial 5G networks in 2020 , with a maximum speed of 100 times the 4G network at the moment . ( 4G from 4-10 times faster than 3G )

Huawei has quietly joined the race a few years ago 5G network

The CEO said there are hundreds of engineers are trying to develop their 5G mobile networks and " this is extremely important for the modern world ." He said: "We need to think about today 's look by tomorrow, when the internet became an essential part and everywhere like electricity , roads ." It demonstrated great ambition of the official .
However, Huawei is not the first company to announce the 5G network . Back in May , Samsung has also said that they are working with 5G networks and expect to be completed in 2020 .

The employees of Samsung is installing equipment for their 5G network

Anyway , the day that everyone is enjoying very far 5G network . Just hope that Vietnam will soon have 4G ( new in 2018 is expected to be implemented at the level of the test ) , or at least improve the quality of the 3G network was quite " turtle " .

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