Friday, August 30, 2013

Jay Chou for Windows 8.1 that will not even save PC

The PC market is expected to continue living " zombies " by the end of this year despite drastic improvements from the updated operating system of Microsoft Windows 8.1 - analyst firm IDC.

Windows 8.1 computer hard save

Windows 8 is being said to be one of the causes of this condition . 8.1 Upgrade spending too much time , is expected to start from mid- October and are expected to save the situation does not help the holiday shopping season later this year and early next year.
Windows 8 interface optimized for touch as leaving the computer does not support touch . But laptops are still too expensive touch , some manufacturers still hope Windows 7 users to upgrade to Windows 8 rather than buy new . Windows 8 and why prices are high users gradually leaving traditional computers to find cheaper solutions tablet named - Jay Chou says.

Laptop touch too expensive

In China - the market is growing contribution to revenue of the two arrays smartphones and traditional PCs - purchasing power of mobile devices continues to increase and the computer power consumption is leveling off . According to IDC , PC sales this quarter will decline by 7.7 % to annual sales of the PC market will decline 9.7 % .
He grew Lenovo has achieved positive results at home , but IDC expects growth will soon be reduced to single-digit level . Looks alone are optimistic because Lenovo Q2 past , only 75.6 million PCs sold , down 11.4 % .
Jay Chou , an analyst at IDC predicts continued growth of the computer below 10 % in 2015 . This solution was given his laptop is cheap and multifunctional laptop transforms . " Technologies such as advanced hardware to improve performance , reduce power consumption on the x86 processor line ."

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