Saturday, August 31, 2013

5 reasons why you may want to buy shaken when a new computer

Last time you upgrade or purchase new computer is when? Here are the reasons you do not need to upgrade the new computer .
5 . Smart TV

In the past few years, smart TV appearance and increasingly cheaper. Owning a Smart TV , you can not only watch TV but also can visit the website , watch YouTube , Facebook games , game , communications with friends in video call . Even some models are equipped with a TV remote with a full QWERTY keyboard .
Smart TV will sooner or later become a common form of computer , just enough to use functions in the living room . If you still think smart TV is expensive , try the USB Android look at just a few million TV ( brand type ) , or the latest Google Chromecast less than 1 million to turn the TV " less intelligent " in intelligent .

4 . Web

Nearly the current site was built to get things done . We can translate, to calculate , to help you find your way . Services such as Office 365 or Google Docs are Web sites that work with Excel , Word , PowerPoint full functionality . Web is the place to help you to store information , such as emails, notes , personal calendar , data on SkyDrive , Dropbox ....
In addition to work , of course, you can go online ( web ) to play games , browse Facebook ...

3 . Application

The application development , software is increasingly interested in so-called App Store . Mainly thanks to the application , they can easily control their application . Faster application updates , sales on the market made ​​convenient application ... instead of worrying about their software being downloaded, free unlocking and launching the network .
There are exceptions to the " Rider " ... but overall achievement is better when developing applications on conventional computers .

2 . Hardware

New mobile devices thinner , lighter , weaker , but it is true that there still is ( at adequate levels ) . Software written for mobile devices with them should also optimize performance , ensuring smooth still .
Windows , Mac can be very powerful , but the computer installing Windows and Mac packages are difficult to capital mobility is gradually becoming one of the criteria for the purchase of equipment .

1 . Old machine

Unless your job always requires powerful hardware like video editing , photo editing ... or you are experienced gamers always want the latest games , top with sparkling best graphics , the old computer will still meet the needs of your normal usage .
Old machine can not use the Core i7 Haswell , a few dozen GB of RAM , more than one graphics card ... but if we have good support for your daily work , there is no reason to replace . Remember, the computer is about 5 years old is more powerful than the current smartphone .

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