Saturday, August 31, 2013

8 tips for using Google Search you may not know

Google Search is known to be the most powerful search engine in the world . However, little is known utilities remain hidden inside "the brain " of this giant .

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Type " time [ location ] ." For example, " time ho chi minh " .

This feature is especially useful when you want to know the time somewhere in the world that do not need to zone out . Location can type the name of the country or city name .

Find hours of sunrise / sunset
Type " sunrise [ location ] " to see the sunrise hour . For example, " sunrise nha trang " .
Type " sunset [ location ] " the sun for hours . For example, " sunset home page ."

When to travel in a coastal city of Nha Trang that as such , you will definitely have a scenic sunrise time at sea . In order not to miss that precious moment , Google Search will help you know exactly what time the sun rises on the location that you need .

Stock Status
Type " [ stocks ] ." For example, " appl " ( Apple 's stock code ) .

You are a stock investor ? If so, then you should " close link " with Google Search right now because it can immediately provide a growth situation of any stocks . However, this feature is only supported on the floor of stocks traded in the world.

Information of the national population
Type " population [ location ] " to find the nation's population . For example, " Vietnam population " .

When using this keyword , Google Search will provide a chart showing the population of the country from time to time determine and compare the population with neighboring countries ( where data ) .

Translate text
Type " translate [ text ] [ required language translation ] ." For example, " I'm a doctor translate english "
Speaking to translate text , make sure you will think of the Google Translate service ( or Google Translate ) . But few know even in Google Search can quickly translate a word or a sentence into other languages ​​. Google will automatically detect your input language and what language is translated into the language you need .

Countdown clock / timer
Type " set timer for [ period ] " for the countdown . For example, "set timer for 5 minutes " to count down 5 minutes .
Type " set timer to [ now ] " to the timer . For example, " timer set to 11 o'clock " to timer at 11:00 .

Actually all phones now have the self-timer / countdown . But in the case of battery , the phone features of Google Search to be helpful . When the appointment time to Google Search will ring like a real clock .

Weather information
Type " weather [ location ] ." For example, " da nang weather ."

There are many websites so you can see the weather forecast . But let's forget about them for the new Google Search engines view the weather is a quick , simple , most convenient . If location is the city , the result will be that the weather information , even if the location is national , the result is the weather information in the national capital .

Search by domain name
Type " site: [ domain name ] [ to find content ] ." For example " site: lumia 925 " to find all the information about the Lumia 925 phone website .

Sometimes you are only interested in content from a favorite website ? Then , the syntax " site: [ domain name ] " is " mantra " that you need to remember .

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