Saturday, August 31, 2013

BlackBerry Messenger can break up the BlackBerry to "own up"

There are many new information technology every day, have important information that is not considered big news. Take a look at the last few days have little information ... that you need to know?
The first is the Apple iPhone. The new generation iPhone Apple branded defects (most likely) will be announced in September. What is its size? External shape design like? One other interesting point is the color. Had iPhone information will be "yellow metal" color "graphite gray", so if the iPhone will have color "platinum" or something else? If the photos are rife on the Internet is real, this year you will have quite a few options when you want to buy iPhone.

Gold iPhone

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 product is definitely highly anticipated Android village. Not only terrible ownership configuration, run the latest operating system, integrated the more unique features and innovative S Pen, the latest Samsung said the government intends to Galaxy Note 3 rainbow. Like the previous generation, in addition to white, black, blue or red usually see, Samsung will enchant women with version 3 pink Galaxy Note.

Pink Galaxy Note

Little information regarding the next BlackBerry. Strawberry Black will soon launch free messaging service BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) for the non-branded models BBM, running Android and iOS. Samsung also lend a hand when BBM advertising activities on the ... Galaxy.
But this is not really new. News BBM development team is able to be detached, independent operations as a separate company and is not subject to any control from the parent company. Are you interested in the future of BlackBerry? Do you intend to switch to Android or BBM on your iPhone?

BBM into independent companies

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